Nadia’s mother is an alcoholic who lives on the street. Nadia was living in the bazaar. People gave her food and money, but one of the women working in the bazaar did not feel that that was the place for a 5 year old to live. And she called the social workers after Nadia got ill. We agreed to accept Nadia, but she was in the hospital for 10 days. When she arrived, she was still very sick running a high fever. The first year that she lived with us, she was often sick, but over a 2 year span her body’s immunity improved. She also had head lice (common) and rotted teeth. She had an insatiable appetite. That too improved after realizing she would eat everyday. She also dealt with overcoming begging for and taking things. In 2020 we found out that Nadia has an older sister, who was in a different orphanage. We were able to also accept her, Galina.
Bowling Feb. 2021
Bowling Feb. 2021