Help Us Make A Difference!


One Time Donation

A one time donation is great way to help. You could send money to buy a child a birthday gift or just to help offset costs.


All donations go directly to supporting the children except for the approx. 3% PayPal fee.

Monthly Donation

Through monthly donations you could help pay a child’s tuition, sponsor a child*(See details and donate button below), or help keep the orphanage doors open and food on the tables.



We understand that making donations may not be an option for everybody. But anybody can pray. We need prayer just as much as we need finances.


Sponsor A Child


* Sponsor a child - Is a program where you can sponsor a certain child for $25 a month. By sponsoring a child, you can communicate with them and receive updates about the child that you sponsor. Please note: one child will not receive more than any other child. It’s a concept of sponsoring a specific child, but all money donated will go to supporting all of the children equally. This is so that no child feels left out or not special.


PayPal takes approximately 3% of the money donated for handling, after that, all of the money will go directly to the orphanage.